Why does a proposed State of the Union address appear on a website devoted to prevention of future murders of future innocent victims and the quest for justice for past innocent murder victims?
The UN-AMERICAN, ANTI-CONSTITUTION LEFT vs. KAVANAUGH: The Underlying Evil of Desperate Smears by Democracy’s Losers
Those who have read my book, Equal Justice for Victims, know that I consider the pro-murderer justices of the U.S. Supreme Court to be “evil.” This article shows, specifically, that the vicious Leftist libelous character assassination of
THE MISSING INGREDIENT: A Blueprint for the Rightful Restoration of Capital Punishment
The Pervasive Political Rot of the American Government vs. Capital Punishment
The Pervasive Political Rot of the American Government vs. Capital Punishment by Lester Jackson, Ph.D. Most followers of this site are painfully aware that, despite consistent public support, capital punishment has been turned by judges