3 thoughts on “New law – Life sentence and out of prison

  • January 26, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    I wish the anti death penalty folks would save their bleeding hearts for the victims. All that energy spent to save a few killers some jail time could be spent saving the lives of many future victims!

  • February 17, 2010 at 8:08 pm

    Portugal, Spain and Norway have softer penal systems in the world, in fact these are the only European Union countries that have no life imprisonment.
    Currently being debated in Spain toughen the law of the child and introduce life imprisonment “Light” (with posibilty of parole) but our Prime Minister Zapatero is denied.
    In Portugal, the maximum penalty under the criminal code of 1993 is 25 years imprisonment!, Though a murderer kills 150 people can not serve more than 25 years. Not only that, the maximum sentence for 2nd degree murder is “15 years”.
    Antonio Pinto will be released as soon as you arrive in Portugal.
    In Spain the maximum limit for mass murder is 25 years but a 2003 reform is raised to 40 years for terrorism.
    Currently in use there are powerful lobby groups who seek the Abolition of the prison along models to Spain and other European countries:Amnestey International, Prison Reform International, Prison Legal News, Human Rights Watch, ACLU, they are generously funded by Ford Foundation, George Soros Open Society … that’s why I was pleasantly surprised when I reported that the Heritage Foundation here to victims unite to combat the anti-incarceration movement here. This that support groups for victims have equal resources to their opponents. To conclude my opinion and recommendation is that the Heritage Foundation deeply case study Spanish and To establish relationships between groups of victims of U.S. and Spain.

  • February 17, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    Supporters of the abolition of capital punishment are liars and deshonestos.Amnistey International, Human Rights Watch and Penal Reform claim that they want to abolish the death penalty so that they do not die innocent victims of miscarriages of justice but what they do not say is that it is opposed to ferormente The life without parole (lwop) to justify having granted parole to murderers of children and serial killers. truth is that if we defend the parole for lifers assume a high risk that the criminal released to kill.Cases as Kenneth_Allen_McDuff, Gilberto Champa, Darryl Kemp etc.If say that the rehabilitation support for these murderers admitting the risk of dying innocents.
    Clear that after abolishing death the “reformers” would seek to attack LWOP next, then any long prison sentences.


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